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100mm core drill

A 100mm core drill is a versatile and powerful tool that is widely found in many industries. If it is for drilling through concrete, stone, or brick, these drills are designed for the toughest jobs with ease.

With your construction or renovation projects, a 100mm core drill is an excellent choice if you are looking for a powerful and reliable tool to help you. We shall discuss one of the keys features, benefits, and applications of those CGE Group powerful tools.

What is a 100mm Core Drill?

100mm core drill bit is a type of drill that is designed to cut cylindrical holes in a variety of materials. A core drill removes the center of the hole, leaving behind a cylindrical core unlike a regular drill that creates circular holes by removing the material.

A core that is 100mm is a specialized tool this is certainly made to cut holes which can be 100mm in diameter. These CGE Group drills can be bought in a number of types and can be fitted with different forms of drill bits according to the material being drilled.

Why choose CGE GROUP 100mm core drill?

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Adjustable Speeds:

CGE Group different materials require different speeds for optimum drilling performance. A 100mm core drill with adjustable speeds allows you to customize the drilling speed to match the materials being drilled. This feature also really helps to prevent overheating and prolongs the full life of the drill bit.

Advantages of choosing a Core that is 100mm Drill Fast and Efficient Drilling

A 100mm core drill of CGE Group makes drilling fast and efficient. Unlike an everyday drill, that may take quite a few years to generate a big hole, a core drill can take away the center of this hole in just a few seconds. This will make it a tool that is ideal construction and renovation projects where time is associated with essence.

Accurate Holes:

A core drill creates accurate and precise holes, thanks to the cylindrical design regarding the drill bit. This makes it an ideal CGE Group tool for jobs that want high levels of accuracy and precision, such as for instance creating holes for plumbing or electrical installations.


A 100mm core drill is a versatile tool you can use to drill through many different materials. From concrete to brick and stone, these CGE Group core drill bits are capable of the toughest jobs with ease. This is why them a tool that is ideal construction renovation projects where multiple materials need to be drilled.

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